Title: 단단한 가족 / Short Family
Also Known as: Firm Family / Tight Family
Genre: Sitcom, Family, Comedy
Episodes: 12
Broadcast netwrok: E-Channel
Broadcast period: 2012-Nov-03 to 2013-Feb-02
Air time: Saturday 23:00
A Sitcom about a middle aged household head, a mother and a competent career woman.
Yoo Se Yoon as Se Yoon
Kim Wan Sun as Wan Sun
Oh Kwang Rok as Kwang Rok
Lee In Hye as In Hye
Kim Sae Rom as Sae Rom
Han Ji Woo as Ji Woo
Dan Woo (단우) as Dan Woo
Jin Ohn (진온) as Jin Ohn (LP Bar part time worker)
Ji Young Woo (지영우) as Young Shik
Baek Bong Ki as Baek Bong Ki
Production Credits
Director: Jung Hwan Suk
Screenwriter: Choi Hang Seo

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